Key roles
- Provide a local incubating programme to startups in the early stage of overseas expansion to check the possibility of entering the UK market and to shape their plans
- Make evaluation of documents and presentation for selection of (prospective) startups
- Operate and participate in the 'Global Target Workshop(KPI)' to assist selected startups in setting targets of entering the UK market and establishing detailed implementation plans to achieve their goals*
* Run the workshop in Korea 3 weeks in advance before the local incubating programme starts. However, if it is difficult to visit Korea owing to COVID19, proceed with the programme online
- Design, operate and support the 6-week fostering programme consisting of market research, mentoring for item localisation, one-on-one business meetings, demo day, etc.
- Submit weekly reports on startups’ activities and progress of the programme, and the final report after completion of the programme
* The accelerators shall faithfully respond to other data requests from KISED