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기관명 창업진흥원 기관구분 공공기관
담당부서 글로벌사업부 연락처 02-3440-7324
접수기간 2020-08-28 ~ 2020-09-11 18:00 지원분야 판로·해외진출
지역 전국 창업기간 전체
대상 일반기업 대상연령 전체
공고 제 2020-037호
Recruitment of Global Accelerator for K-Startup Fundraising Acceleration Program
공고명과 인사말 구분자
This notice is for global accelerators who is able to match startups with overseas investors and operate investment IRs for the Korean startups at scale-up stage, as follows.
August 28, 2020
President of Korea Institute of Startup &
Entrepreneurship Development (KISED)
Application & Registration
Application Period : August 27 ~ Sep 11, by 6pm (KR time)
How to apply : Send required documents to global@kised.or.kr
- Accelerators with regional investor networks in North America or Europe and who are based overseas (accelerators, consulting firms, etc.).
- Applicants should have network of leading foreign venture capital (VC), PE, Angel Group, etc. with experience in investing in Korean or Asian startups.
Required Documents
Detailed Proposal
Profile of dedicated team members
Statement of program expense breakdown
Business License
Introduction of accelerator
Selection method
Written evaluation and video conference interviews
Details of Support
Budget for program operation will be supported. The budget will be maximum KRW 25Million per matched startups
Inquiry for Application
Global Startup Division, KISED
+82-2-3440-7324, global@kised.or.kr