“The first thing to ask yourself before traveling should be something like,
where to go and what to do there?
We believe option for ‘where’ and ‘what’ must be equal for everyone.
Whether the traveler is an elderly or a person who has never traveled,
Whether it’s women who decide to go on a solo trip”


NomadHer. Repeat the word quickly. It sounds like the phrase ‘no matter’. Interestingly, the philosophy of the NomadHer could be described with this phrase. NomadHer dreams of a world, no matter what, where women can enjoy solo trips throughout the world without worrying.

Nomadher is an application dedicated to solo female travelers that CEO Kim Hyo-jung launched after a two-year preparation process. “For the past few years, I’ve been traveling more than 40 countries. NomadHer was made based on my personal experience, as a female solo traveler”, said Kim. Kim said, for example, women, including herself paid great attention to safety and sanitary issue when booking where to stay at night. However, this detailed information was not listed enough on the accommodation booking app.  If the user verifies her gender and successfully sign up for the app, she will be able to receive the various necessary information for female solo travelers, such as finding a female companion and booking a host of local women’s accommodation.

“When it comes to females traveling alone, we usually think of backpackers in their early 20s. The reality? No. When looking closely, we can see there are different types of females who want to travel alone. Senior in her 70s who wants to experience new things, and woman in 50s who finally can enjoy her own time after her child went to college. ㅋ

Although they are people of various ages and backgrounds, they have something in common. “They’re all women. They are sensitive to safety issues and have a lot to consider. And they’re the ones who have the courage to go on a trip alone.” So CEO Kim Hyo-jung said she wants to help them travel and convey the perception to many that “if she has traveled alone, you can do it too.”

Therefore, NomadHer provides two layers of the checking process of tour programs and accommodation to their users. In the first place, the operation team makes sure the program or accommodation listed on the page passed the standard of NomadHer. Secondly, a review of real users. Unlike the general booking app, many of reviews on the NomadHer has been written on women’s view of evaluating the place or event. For instance, reviews commenting “the hotel was in a safe area, there were many street lamps on the way to the accommodation” or “it was easy to visit, as the sidewalk was well furnished to drag carriers easily” or even “was a nice area to visit with mom, no unpleasant facilities nearby”

NomadHer not only offers review ratings and reservation service but also provides a community section where female travelers can share their travel journals and even daily lives. Prospective travelers can be encouraged and inspired to travel through the content that the NomadHer community provides, while also obtaining practical information for traveling. 


NomadHer is currently available in English and is expected to be launched in global cities such as Paris, London and Bali this year. CEO Kim Hyo-jung said, “Seoul is a good place for female solo travelers throughout the world, because of its safe security and excellent tourism infrastructure. We will start services in Seoul and build up know-how in launching in global cities”. Kim also mentioned that “our recent partnership with the Seoul Tourism Foundation will greatly enhance our understanding of Seoul”.
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